Challenging yourself for an extended time apart from your daily life can help you overcome obstacles and gain insights not only with your meditation practice but also with the inevitable everyday problems and existential crises. Join me for an intense practice and I’ll help you make those discoveries. You may instead need an extended break from daily life simply to recover your center, and think that a meditation retreat is more appealing than a spa vacation. Either way, you are welcome to join me on retreat. Personally, I find it leaves me with a deeper regular meditation, and I always come home feeling wonderfully enthusiastic and inspired.
UPCOMING RETREATS: TBD – check back mid-2025
October 2024: We had a retreat for 3 days and 2 nights in Warner Springs, CA. With only two persons, we practiced meditation without fixed timing which ended up at about 6 hours total over the two days. We also practiced primary series Ashtanga yoga, Nature gazing, and had numerous discussions on meditation, Buddhism and the Enneagram personality typing. The experience itself deepened our practice and revealed insights into how to better sit in a state of zen/jhana.
November 2023: We had a retreat for 3 days and 2 nights in Warner Springs, CA. The six of us meditated 6 hours a day in 2 hour blocks, and did some walking and low-energy yoga as well. The silence was particularly nice and many experienced a deeper meditation.
March 2023: We had a 1 day retreat Saturday March 25th from 8am to 5pm at Sambuddhaloka Vihara temple near Riverside. There were two very long meditation periods (120min each), a relaxing lunch in between, and a wonderful Q/A session with Bhante Sarananda as well as a string blessing. So grateful to the abbot, Bhante Saranasiri for this occasion. There are many photos and a couple videos at the temple Facebook page.
September 2022: We had a retreat for 3 days and 2 nights in Warner Springs, CA. The five of us meditated about 6 hours a day in addition to outdoor walking meditation, informal led yoga practice, and numerous short discussions on meditation in general and related topics.